A glowing chapter was additional to the marvelous history of IVRI Srinagar Campus, operating under the aegis of ICAR, New Delhi as Indian veterinary scientists who did wonders with the globe veterinary neighborhood famous the joy of world-wide freedom from the deadly disease of rinderpest by unveiling a memorial pillar on 2nd June, 2012 at its mother campus positioned at Mukteswar, Uttarakhand.
IVRI Srinagar Divisions
Animal Health Divisions
Animal Production Divisions
Basic & Social Sc. Divisions
Liv. Products & Tech. Div
IVRI Srinagar Admissions
IVRI Srinagar Academic Session
The academics year of the IVRI Srinagar is sorted in phrases of 2 semesters, each roughly of 20 weeks time-span. The date for programme of studies of each semester in a distinct academic year is made a decision by the IVRI Srinagar well in improve. The time frame schedule of the academics year 2012-2013 is presented beneath:
1st Semester August to January
2nd Semester February to July.
IVRI Srinagar Admission Procedure for Master Programs
The IVRI Srinagar admits students to its post-graduate programme by careful selection method by way of 5 streams viz., open competition, international students, in-service applicants of Agricultural Universities under faculty up-gradation scheme, departmental applicants of IVRI Srinagar and ICAR in-service nominees for entrance to M.V.Sc. courses in the University.
All the seats at Masters’ level are to be packed on the basis of blended exam for admissions and award of ICAR Junior Research Fellowships executed by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi.
On the base of merit and after counselling, ICAR finalizes the students for Post-Graduate degree programme(MVSc) in this university in 22 several professions.
IVRI Srinagar Admission Procedure for Doctoral Programs
Advertisements tempting applications for admission is publicized in the 1st/2nd week of March every year in the newpapers and also in the web page of Srinagar (http: / /www.ivri.nic.in) every year all-around he 1st/2nd week of March welcoming applications for admission. The previous date for receipt of applications shall normally be last week of April every year or a date as may be described from time to time.
Doctoral programme is presented in 19 several discipline. For additional details on accessible seats in varoius discipline and eligibility criteria, you should visit the Doctoral Programme page.
Admission in the PhD programme will be stored on the basis of an entry test, academic documents and an interview. The published entry examination for admission to Ph. D. courses is executed by the University on All India basis.
Written Examinations
The applicants who meet the approved minimum qualifications are only entitled to seem in the aggressive written exam.
Submission of application form for entrance is not itself a guarantee for listed in the published examination for admission at this IVRI Srinagar.
IVRI Srinagar Admission for Sponsored Candidates

In support applicants from Agricultural/Veterinary Universities, ICAR Institutes and other Central/State government Organization/Departments will be regarded as for PhD and M. V. Sc. degree programmes only if they are completely sponsored by their organisations on deputation terms/study leave entitling them for salary and allowances subject to satisfaction of eligibility conditions already described for open applicants as per 4. 5 A(i) and B respectively.
IVRI Srinagar Eligibility for Sponsored Candidates
The applicant should have B. V. Sc. & AH/Master’s degree in the involved style with 60% marks or comparable OGPA as per para 4. 5 A(i) and B.
The applicants sponsored under this scheme should be usual employees of the University, Central/State Govt. Depts., etc. and likely to proceed in support after receiving the degree and they are completely sponsored by their organisations on deputation terms/study leave entitling them for salary and allowances.
A certificate to this impact should be offered at the time of forwarding the application. The sponsoring authority under the scheme, should also certify that the applicant had not been served any warning or honored other charges for any sort of misconduct. The enrolment card for these applicants shall be released only after the deputation order is posted to the IVRI.
The sponsoring Universities should reveal in the application form for entrance itself, as to whether or not they would have or could not have any objection to their sponsored applicant possessing an office in the IVRI Students’ Council.
Applicants should be formally sponsored under the scheme and the application shall be submitted through the involved operation. The words “Sponsored for Admission under Faculty Up-gradation Scheme”, shall be obviously written on the application form and the forwarding letter. “Not in excess of three applicants sponsored by any one University shall be accepted in any one academics year under this scheme”.
IVRI Srinagar Contact Us
Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Srinagar (IVRI)
Location: Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Contact No: 0581 – 2300361
Email: jdr@ivri.res.in; jkmalik@ivri.up.nic.in
Website: www.ivri.nic.in
Thanks for visiting our site which is compatible of Universities Admissions and details. We provide the best information about IVRI Srinagar 2012 IVRI Srinagar Divisions, IVRI Srinagar Admissions, IVRI Srinagar Academic Session, IVRI Srinagar Admission Procedure for Master Programs, IVRI Srinagar Admission Procedure for Doctoral Programs, IVRI Srinagar Admission for Sponsored Candidates, IVRI Srinagar Eligibility for Sponsored Candidates, IVRI Srinagar Contact Us.
Official Site: IVRI Srinagar
Founded: 2012
Type: Deemed University
Tags: ivri srinagar address, ivri srinagar admission 2012, ivri srinagar photos
Category: India | Comment
IIIT Allahabad Admission
October 11, 2012, 2:23 pm

About IIIT Allahabad
The IIIT Allahabad was founded in 1999, as a heart of superiority in Information Technology and allied places. The IIIT Allahabad was conferred the “Deemed University” reputation by Govt. of India in the year 2000. The IIIT Allahabad thus started to be stimulated to have a perpetual seal and honour degrees following to the execute of its own exams.
IIIT Allahabad Admissions
Applicants are hereby knowledgeable that NITK Surathkal has NOT entrusted/employed anyone as a mediators or middlemen to sometimes motivate applicants to apply for DASA programme or to obtain fees/commissions insuring the seats. Applicants should not consider anyone who techniques them offering everything on behalf of NITK Surathkal or DASA office. Contact DASA office for any such attempts by anyone.
If applicants phoning anyone, proclaiming to be DASA agent, would be executing so on their own perils and NITK can’t be held accountable for this.
IIIT Allahabad Admission Procedure for Undergraduate Programs
Admissions to the 4 year B. Tech. Program in both the divisions (IT & ECE) of the IIIT Allahabad is made by way of All India Entry Examination by suitable bodies, as determined by Govt. of India from time to time. Presently, the examination is executed by CBSE under the title and style of AIEEE.
Endorsed Notification of this exam is offered wide subjection by means of national dailies during September-December every year. Application forms-cum-Brochure are made accessible throughout the country through several Banks. The examination is timetabled usually in May the subsequent year and held at various centers distributed over the whole length and breadth of the country, such as J&K and NE states.
Based upon the merit in the composed examination, Central Counseling Board of AIEEE invitations applicants for counseling at preferred centers, ends to the individual home places of applicants & seats for several engaging institutions are designated, structured upon specific merit.
IIIT Allahabad Admission Procedure for Doctoral Programs
Students may sign on in the doctoral programme specifically after B. Tech or after M. Tech. The purpose of the programme is to market the advancement of futuristic IT applications and patentable products, suggestions, engineering. The IIIT Allahabad intends to chip in to society by way of these highly experienced students, who have got specialised in frontier areas of Information Technology. Research and advancement is now the central point of the IIIT Allahabad and our stress is on collaborative and interdisciplinary work. We submit students to a exploration ecosystem that consists of facilities equivalent to the best in the world. Some of the places of interest for the IIIT Allahabad are as practices:
Networking, Internet, E- commerce, E-Governance, Web structured Education, Content design and delivery.
AI, Intelligent/KB systems, Knowledge management, Behavioural modeling, ITS.
Industrial Automation – Design, process, production, control, security.
Chemical structures and modeling – Chemicals, fresh materials, polymers, Pharmaceuticals etc.
Bio systems – Genetic modeling, medical informatics, Nano technologies.
Modeling and informatics pertaining to economic, economic and social systems.
Eco systems, GIS, Environmental modeling, Geo systems and Geophysical systems.
Image digesting, Image renewal, Applications to art, crafts, sculpture and architecture.
Catastrophe management.
Informatics and computation in Indian languages, Informatics for non-urban areas,IT enabled services and IT enabled education.
Monitoring and security for industry and support, safety in common and in transportation systems in distinct
A considerable section of the work will be attained via simulation and modeling and style and fabrication of products/applications.

IIIT Allahabad Admission for Graduate Programs
Master of Business Administration in Information Technology
Master of Science in Cyber Law and Information Security
Master of Technology in Information Technology
Five Year Integrated Course in Biomedical Engineering
Each MTech stream has twenty seats out of which five seats are appropriated for sponsored applicants from most respected industries. All the M. Tech students (aside from sponsored applicants) are admitted on the foundation of GATE score and test/interview executed by the institution. Applicants possessing GATE score are entitled for a monthly stipend of Rs. 5000 for maximum 4 semesters.
Thanks for visiting our site which is compatible of Universities Admissions and details. We provide the best information about IIIT Allahabad 2012 IIIT Allahabad Admissions, IIIT Allahabad Admission Procedure for Undergraduate Programs, IIIT Allahabad Admission Procedure for Doctoral Programs, IIIT Allahabad Admission for Graduate Programs.
Official Site: IIIT Allahabada
Founded: 1999
Type: Public
Tags: iiit allahabad admission m tech 2012, iiit allahabad admissions 2012, iiita.ac.in
Category: India, University Admissions | Comment
Dayalbagh Educational Institute Agra Admission
October 11, 2012, 2:15 pm

About Dayalbagh Educational Institute Agra
The Dayalbagh Educational Institute Agra is positioned amongst the relaxing environs of Dayalbagh, a self-protected colony well-known for its peaceful atmosphere and secular organizations, in which its population head an active, regimented and co-operative neighborhood life devoted to support, conforming to the high spiritual attitudes of their initiative.
Dayalbagh Educational Institute Agra Faculties
Faculty of Art
Faculty of Commerce
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Social Sciences
Technical College
Prem Vidyalaya Girls Intermerdiate College
Dayalbagh Educational Institute Agra Admissions
Dayalbagh Educational Institute Agra Application From
Application forms for admission to several programs of the Dayalbagh Educational Institute Agra are ordinarily accessible from 25th of May each year. The final date for submitter of finished forms is June 30 of every year.
Prospectus, application form and syllabus for authored test can also be attained by mailing a bank draft of Rs. 120/- for non-university courses (Technical College) and Rs. 140/- for all university courses in prefer of “Dayalbagh Press and Publication (P) Ltd.
Dayalbagh Educational Institute Agra Docs Essential for Admission
Attested copy of the mark-sheet of the qualifying examination(s).
A certificate from the head of the institution last attended, certifying the candidates execute, practices and character.
Attested copy of the matriculation or comparative certificate as evidence of the date of birth.
Attested copies of certificates suggesting contribution and/or skills in games, sports, debates, N. C. C., N. S. S. etc. at college/university/district/state/national level contests from the organisers of such contests.
In the event of applicants that belong to the already signed caste/scheduled tribe or backward class, an attested copy of the certificate duly authorized by the Tehsildar/District Magistrate of the tehsil/district in which the applicants father/guardian resides, to the impact that the applicant connected to the caste dropping under these groups.
Annual Income certificate of the Parents.
‘Confirmation Card’, ‘Admit Card’ and ‘Identification Card’ duly filled in. The Confirmation Card and the Admit Card must have the exact photo as used in the Application Form. The candidates should beautifully write their address on the back of the Identification Card and attach suitable postal stamp on it.
Unstamped envelope with complete postal address for offerring the result of admission application in due program.
Account Payee’ Bank Draft for Rs. 230/- for non-specialized courses or Rs. 270/- for specialized courses, as comprehensive in para 18. 7 of the Prospectus, drawn in prefer of Dayalbagh Educational Institute Agra payable at any bank at Agra.
Dayalbagh Educational Institute Agra Criteria for Selection
Admissions are made on the base of academics merit, written objective test, wherever described and individual interview.
Final assortment is made from the merit list organized on the basis of academics merit, efficiency in the published objective test and individual interview. Additional information are offered in the following paras.
Students who have made an appearance for B. A. final examination and the results of which are looked forward to may apply for provisional admission to M. A. and M. A. (Social Science) courses merely. Such applicants must publish evidence of having exceeded the qualifying examination coupled with its mark-sheet at the period of interview failing which their application will not be regarded as.
At found there is no written target test for admission to M. A., M. A. (Social Science), M.Com., M.Sc.(Home Science), M.Sc., PGDT and PGDDFM, and admission to these courses will be made on the basis of {academic|academics} merit and personal interview
Applicants will be named for interview on the basis of marks attained in several pre-qualifying and/or qualifying examinations, as advised below:
10% of marks at High School or comparative examination, 15% of marks at Intermediate or comparative examination, 25% of marks at the 1st degree exam and 25% of the marks in the involved subject at the 1st degree examination.

Dayalbagh Educational Institute Agra Important Dates
Last date for submission of forms (except for Ph.D.): June 30 each year.
Dates for submission of forms for admission to Ph.D.: 1st September and 1st March
Thanks for visiting our site which is compatible of Universities Admissions and details. We provide the best information about Dayalbagh Educational Institute Agra 2012 Dayalbagh Educational Institute Agra Faculties, Dayalbagh Educational Institute Agra Admissions, Dayalbagh Educational Institute Agra Application From, Dayalbagh Educational Institute Agra Docs Essential for Admission, Dayalbagh Educational Institute Agra Criteria for Selection, Dayalbagh Educational Institute Agra Important Dates.
Official Site: Dayalbagh Educational Institute Agra
Founded: 1917
Type: Deemed University
Tags: dayalbagh educational institute admission forms 2012-13, dei agra admission 2012, dei.ac.in
Category: India, University Admissions | Comment
Texas A&M University at Qatar Admission
October 10, 2012, 2:09 pm

About Texas A&M University at Qatar
The programs provided at Texas A&M University at Qatar are similar to the ones available at the main campus in College Station, Texas. Courses are shown in English and in a coeducational placing. The popularity for superiority is the exact, as is the responsibility to coaching engineers prepared to steer the up coming generation of engineering through the globe.
Texas A&M University at Qatar Departments and Colleges
Texas A&M University at Qatar Departments and Colleges
Chemical Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering
College of Liberal Arts
Mechanical Engineering
Petroleum Engineering
Petroleum Engineering
Distance Education
Texas A&M University at Qatar Admissions
Texas A&M University at Qatar Undergraduate Admission
Texas A&M University at Qatar practices the exact admissions standards in location at the home campus in College Station, Texas. Our engineering program is remarkably aggressive and frugal, and only the most certified applicants will be admitted. We search for applicants who illustrate a confirmed record of academics accomplishment and achievements-students who will create the most of the fantastic educational possibilities Texas A&M University at Qatar gives.
Our pool of applicants comprises of students from Qatar, the area, and the world. Each year, as the number of applications for each accessible seat increases, the opposition will become more extreme.
Texas A&M University at Qatar Graduate Admission
In prep for admission, the subsequent are essential elements of a finished application portfolio. It is suggested that graduate studies candidates take measures essential to finished these conditions effectively in advance of applying.
E-mail to grad. studies@qatar. tamu. edu a scan of your passport details page that consists of your full name, passport number and additional details. We ask that you scan this in full-color and at a minimal of 300 dpi decision.
Give a current CV, statement of purpose, and three (3) letters of endorsement. The letters of endorsement should be from persons who are recognizable with your academics accomplishment and possibilities. If you have been out of school for a number of years and are not able to speak to former mentors, you may post non-academic suggestions such as employers. You may e mail these docs to grad. studies@qatar. tamu. edu.
Give official transcripts from all earlier attended universities (you do not require to post transcripts from Texas A&M University at Qatar ). It is significantly faster if your preceding institutions are able to send your transcripts digitally so be confident and ask if that is accessible.
If not, you may ask each registrar to give an endorsed transcript in a covered envelope with the registrar’s signature on the envelope.
If you are in Qatar you may hand give this to the Office of Records at the Texas A&M Engineering Building. If you live outside of Qatar you may ask your registrar to mail the established transcript to the subsequent address: Graduate Admissions Processing Texas A&M University at Qatar General Services Intricate 750 Agronomy Road Suite 1601 0200 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-0200.
Spend the $90 graduate application fee often in individual at the Texas A&M Engineering Building in Education City or by requiring details at grad. studies@qatar. tamu. edu on how to insert transfer funds to a Texas A&M at Qatar account.
Obtain that your GRE test scores be directed specifically from Educational Testing Service (ETS) to TTexas A&M University at Qatar . Use code 6003 for confirming GRE scores (department code not needed). Test scores are only valid for five (5) years. For additional details on giving your GRE scores visit http://www.ets.org/gre/general/scores/send/.
Meet English Language Skills Confirmation in any one of the subsequent ways:
TOEFL score of at minimum 550 paper-based (213 computer-based, 80 in iBT)
IELTS score of 6. 0 (you may email this score sheet to grad. studies@qatar. tamu. edu)
GRE Verbal score of at minimum 400 (score of 146 for modified scoring system if exam taken after 1 August, 2011)

Obtained a baccalaureate degree subsequent 4 years of study at an approved U. S. Institution (as demonstrated on the transcript you provide).
If you are meeting English Language Skills specifications by TOEFL score you must obtain that your TOEFL test scores be routed instantly from Informative Testing Service to Texas A&M University at Qatar. Use code 6003 for reporting TOEFL scores (Department code not desired).
Test scores are only valid for five (5) years. For more details on sending your TOEFL scores visit http://www.ets.org/toefl/ibt/scores/send/. These steps should be finished by 31 March 2012 to be regarded as for priority admissions and ensure a timely admission decision. Applications and assisting docs posted after this contract will be established but should be hurried to ensure they are obtained and delt with as soon as feasible.
Texas A&M University at Qatar Contact Us
Research and Graduate Studies
Texas A&M Engineering Building, Education City
PO Box 23874, Doha, Qatar
Thanks for visiting our site which is compatible of Universities Admissions and details. We provide the best information about Texas A&M University at Qatar 2012 Texas A&M University at Qatar Departments and Colleges, Texas A&M University at Qatar Admissions, Texas A&M University at Qatar Undergraduate Admission, Texas A&M University at Qatar Graduate Admission, Texas A&M University at Qatar Contact Us.
Official Site: Texas A&M University at Qatar
Founded: 2003
Type: State University
Tags: qatar.tamu.edu, texas a&m university at qatar address, texas a&m university at qatar admissions 2012
Category: Qatar, University Admissions | Comment
Vels University Chennai Admission
October 10, 2012, 1:57 pm

About Vels University Chennai
Vels University Chennai was founded in 1992 with the purpose of adjusting an specific into a finished man with personality and potential determined to national support and advancement.
Vels University Chennai Schools
School of Computing Sciences
School of Management Studies
School of Physiotherapy
School of Hotel Management
School of Life Sciences
Vels University Chennai Admissions
Vels University Chennai Rules and Regulation for Admission
Students should not depart the Vels University Chennai premises during class hours without authored authorization of the HOD / Competent authority.
Students should be opportune in joining classes and alternative co-curricular and additional-curricular actions. Late comers will not be permitted in the classes.
Students will be accountable for all products commissioned to them. Students should not cause any destruction to any property, equipment, equipments, tools etc., of the Vels University Chennai. An sum of Rs. 150 towards General preservation, is payable by each Student at the end of the Academics Year, prior to Exams. In event of any destruction, the precise cost will be retrieved from the student coupled with a fine.
Students should be mindful of their possessions while within the campus. The Vels University Chennai will not be accountable for any deprivation of such possessions.
Make use of of Mobile phones, Pagers, Cameras, etc., are disallowed interior the campus, during College hours, from 10am to 4pm. If found in contravention, they will be confiscated.
Smoking cigarettes and usage of pan is disallowed inside the campus. Usage of any intoxicants or medicines are fully disallowed, and will steer to instant termination from the Vels University Chennai.
Weaponry must not be produced into, or kept, within the campus.
Students should present their Identity Card plainly, while they are inside the campus and while venturing in the Vels University Chennai bus. The safety staff will not allow any student within the campus devoid of their identity card.
All Students should dress in a presentable manner. T-shirts and sleeveless dresses are not authorized. Jeans, of a outstanding nature simply, are authorized.
The administration reserves the appropriate to alter the class timings and schedule.
Students should not carry any meetings or acquire any money from other students not having proper agreement from the HOD.
Students should not need themselves in any political or religious action inside the Campus.
Ragging in any form is fully banished and is punishable as per the Government Order. If any student is observed to be involving in any kind of ragging or nuisance to juniors or alternative fellow students, interior or exterior the campus, bus, hostel, he/she will be terminated promptly from the Vels University Chennai, and offender action will be taken versus them as per the rules.
The subsequent acts of misconduct will result in instant dismissal from the Vels University Chennai:
Assault of any person.
Wilful damage to Vels University Chennai property.
Intimidation, coercion and/or interference with other students.
Misbehaviour with other students and/or Staff.
The selection of the Vice-Chancellor is last and presenting on all the students, in all matters relating to the Vels University Chennai.
Legitimate disputes, if any, are subject to the jurisdiction of Courts at Chennai.
All additional rules, legislation and suggestions approved by University / Government agencies will be executed.
Vels University Chennai General Romes
The protection plan on registration will be to assure that students from all parts of the country are acceptable to work with the Vels University Chennai so that the country’s attribute of the University is maintained in its correct sense.
Additional, to assure that adequate number of students from under-privileged and socially equipment pieces of society are accepted to the Vels University Chennai, a uniform All-India policy of reservation is accompanied. Admission is designed on the basis of merit and merit list is attracted in compliance with procedures of the Admission plan of the University.

The Vels University Chennai aspires to be progressive in syllabi and in the courses and hence the version of curricula is constant and an on-going procedure. The version can be started by an specific faculty member hinging on the prerequisite and must be authorised by Board of Studies of the troubled School / Department.
The Vels University Chennai practices a semester system. The undergraduate courses are for 6 semesters and postgraduate courses are for a normal time-span of 4 semesters apart from in event of MCA and any integrated postgraduate courses. Integrated courses will have 10/12 semesters. Each course is designated a distinct number of choice structured credits and the number of credits to be designated to a course are identified by the Board of syllabus of Schools on the suggestions of the department concerned.
The students have to earn minimal credits designated by the Board of syllabus to become entitled to get the degree. Students of all Post-graduate courses are to undergo a course in conversation abilities and shall undergo 4 to 6 weeks internship during the summer holiday of the I year (II Semester) and earn 2 credits. All the PG courses will have Project work in their finalized semester and students are to acquire the number of credits approved by the Board of Studies of individual Schools.
The system of analysis for every course shall be planted down by the Board of the School on the suggestions of the department troubled. Interior assessment (sessional work) shall carry the weightage of 25% and the staying weightage is for semester exams.
Vels University Chennai Contact Us
Velan Nagar
P.V. Vaithiyalingam Road
Chennai – 600 117
Tamil Nadu, India
Phone: + 91 – 44 – 2266 2500 / 2501 / 2502 / 2503
Admission Helpline: + 91 – 44 – 3362 4444
Fax: + 91 – 44 – 2266 2513
E-mail: vistas@velsuniv.org
Thanks for visiting our site which is compatible of Universities Admissions and details. We provide the best information about Vels University Chennai 2012 Vels University Chennai Schools, Vels University Chennai Admissions, Vels University Chennai Rules and Regulation for Admission, Vels University Chennai General Romes, Vels University Chennai Contact Us.
Official Site: Vels University Chennai
Founded: 1992
Type: Private
Tags: vels university admission 2012, vels university chennai admission 2012, velsuniv.ac.in
Category: India, University Admissions | Comment
Bhatkhande Music Institute Delhi Admission
October 10, 2012, 1:50 pm

About Bhatkhande Music Institute Delhi
Bhatkhande Music Institute Delhi has major strategies of extension. Workon creating an audio-video library has previously begun. The record of musiceducation in India days to come back to historical span when all education and learning wasimparted in Gurukulas and Ashrams of excellent Saints, Rishi, Munis.
Bhatkhande Music Institute Delhi Departments
Department of Vocal (Gayan)- Classical, Semi-Classical and Light Vocal.
Department of Instrumental (Vadan)
Department of Dance (Nritya)
Department of Musicology & Research
Department of Applied Music
Bhatkhande Music Institute Delhi Admissions
The Period of the Bhatkhande Music Institute Delhi is from 1st July to 30th June
The Bhatkhande Music Institute Delhi shuts from 26th December to 15th January for winter vacation and from 17th May to 30th June for summertime vacation.
Bhatkhande Music Institute Delhi continues to be shut on holidays announced by the Board of Management. Any specific holiday may be announced on a date by the Vice Chancellor, which is not announced by the Board of Management. Classes are getting executed in the Institute relating to the time-table in between 9. 00 am to 7. 00 pm.
Bhatkhande Music Institute Delhi Rules and Regulation for Admission
Application for admission is approved on the prescribed form accessible at BMI office before starting of the procedure in the month of May/June.
Applicant should meet the eligibility for admission and should qualify Entry/Aptitude test.
Application for fresh admission should be specific with Transfer Certificate (T. C. )#) released by former institution, whereas essential.
Schedule for Entry/Aptitude test would be viewable on the observe board with in a week of the last date to post the admission form.
Entrance/Audition test is executed by an Entry Examination Committee of subject professionals constituted by the Vice Chancellor.
The committee would examine each applicant on the timetabled date on the foundation of practical efficiency and appointment, and post their report to the Registrar.
Registrar would get ready distinct merit lists for each class and subject, and post it to the Admission Committee.
The committee would provide admission on the basis of merit relating to the seats accessible in each class and subject.
International students would be accepted in the courses of BMI as per the rules/suggestions of UGC/Government of India.
Listing of the chosen applicants will be viewable on the detect board.
Reservation for admission to the timetabled caste, scheduled tribe, backward class and handicapped applicants is accessible as per the rules of state Govt. In case of vacancy in appropriated seat, admission may be offered to the General applicant.
In event of dispute, decision of the Vice Chancellor will be the final.
Bhatkhande Music Institute Delhi Enrollment
Applicant determined for admission should fill up the enrollment form and post the same coupled with enrollment fees and certificates before the date notified by the Registrar.
Enrollment fee deposited once would be valid providing the applicant is a major student of Bhatkhande Music Institute Delhi.

A applicant can not be enrolled in more than one subject at a occasion.
Admission of the applicant will not be finished, unless he/she is documented in enrollment enroll and such applicant will be barred from the examination as a frequent applicant of Bhatkhande Music Institute Delhi.
In case, a applicant gains his/her Transfer Certificate from Bhatkhande Music Institute Delhi, his/her enrollment will be handled terminated unless he/she again enrolls himself/herself as per the regulations.
After enrollment an Enrollment Certificate will be issued by Bhatkhande Music Institute Delhi to each student bearing his/her enrollment number. This enrollment number will be described in all the records and communication of BMI.
An enrolled student is eligible for Transfer Certificate from Bhatkhande Music Institute Delhi on payment of approved fees for admission in any additional university.
Thanks for visiting our site which is compatible of Universities Admissions and details. We provide the best information about Bhatkhande Music Institute Delhi 2012 Bhatkhande Music Institute Delhi Departments, Bhatkhande Music Institute Delhi Admissions, Bhatkhande Music Institute Delhi Rules and Regulation for Admission, Bhatkhande Music Institute Delhi Enrollment.
Official Site: Bhatkhande Music Institute Delhi
Type: Deemed Universty
Tags: bhatkhande music institute delhi admission 2012, bhatkhande music school new delhi, bmi delhi admission
Category: India, University Admissions | Comment
VIT University Jaipur Admission
October 10, 2012, 1:44 pm

About VIT University Jaipur
VIT University Jaipur gives Education and learning is the symptoms of the excellence undoubtedly in man”. These are the thoughts of the excellent philosopher and educator Swami Vivekananda.VIT University Jaipur has been created retaining in mind his educating and helping attitudes. The overall development of the techno-managers with a seeking spirit towards education is VIT’s ideas for its students.
VIT University Jaipur Courses
VIT University Jaipur Undergraduate Courses
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering
VIT University Jaipur Graduate Courses
Computer Science and Engineering
Mobile Computing
Power System Engineering
Digital Communication
VIT University Jaipur Admission
VIT University Jaipur Admission for Undergraduate
The merit list for admission in the VIT University Jaipur will be organized structured on the AIEEE/RPET rank and the 10th and 12th percent marks/grades, where the minimal aggregate percent/grade comparative is 60%.
VIT University Jaipur Admission for Graduate
Either B. E., B. Tech and comparative course with 55% or over and GATE score card.
Correct educating/industrial expertise of at minimum 2 years with over 55% marks in B. Tech
The infrastructural advancement of the campus at VIT University, Jaipur is such that it encourages secure studying atmosphere for both its faculty and students. It has state-of-the-art infrastructure to make the studying procedure smooth. The top-class infrastructure creates the student expertise of the college life worth recalling and more secure and affable.
VIT University Jaipur Fees for Admissions
Application fee: Rs. 1000/- (adjustable versus alternative fees immediately after admission)
Enrollment fee: Rs. 5000/- (one time)

Tuition fee: Rs. 35000/- (per sem)
Caution money: Rs. 10000/-(Refundable)
Exam fee: Rs. 1000/- per sem
Registration fee: 1000/-
Summer term course: Rs. 2000/- per subject.
VIT University Jaipur Contact Us
VIT Campus, Sector 36, NRI Road, Sisyawas, Jagatpura, Jaipur, Rajasthan 303012, INDIA | Tel : 0141-4077999, 09929708312, 09414890232 | Fax: 0141-4077900.
Thanks for visiting our site which is compatible of Universities Admissions and details. We provide the best information about VIT University Jaipur 2012 VIT University Jaipur Courses, VIT University Jaipur Undergraduate Courses.
Official Site: VIT University Jaipur
Founded: 2000
Type: Deemed University
Tags: vit jaipur admission 2013, vit jaipur fee structure, vitjaipur.ac.in
Category: India, University Admissions | Comment
Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies Admission
October 10, 2012, 1:37 pm

About Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies
The Central University of Tibetan Studies (CUTS) at Sarnath is one of its sorts in the country. The university was founded in 1967. The plan of the university was mooted in course of a conversation in between Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the 1st Prime Minister of India and His Holiness the Dalai Lama with a perspective to educating the young Tibetan Diaspora and those from the Himalayan border areas of India, who have faith, culture and vocabulary in popular with Tibet.
Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies Departments
Department of Mool Shastra
Department of Sampradaya Shastra
Department of Bon Sampradaya Shastra
Department of Sanskrit
Department of Tibetan Languages and Literature
Department of Classical and Modern Languages
Department of Social Sciences
Department of Tibetan Traditional Woodcraft
Department of Tibetan Traditional Painting
Department of Sowa Rigpa
Department of Bhot Jyotish Vidya
Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies Admissions
Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies Admission Procedure
Applicants searching for admission in the P. M. 1st year in this Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies will have to have got the academics qualification of class VIII passed from any known school with knowledge of Tibetan Language comparative to class VIII standard. Applicants are also essential to maintain expertise of English or Hindi comparative to ordinary VIII.
The entitled applicants will have to seem in an entry examination. The entry examination will encompass 2 written papers.
Tibetan Language.
English or Hindi language (one language to be determined by the applicants), each paper will be designated out of 100 marks, and will be of 3 hours time-span, in compliance with the syllabus discussed in this booklet.
The passing marks in the entry examination will be 35 marks for each paper.
Any applicant who scores 75% or over in the Tibetan Language paper but neglects in Hindi/English shall be eligible to get elegance marks in Hindi/English, upto a maximum of 5 marks.
Only these applicants will be entitled for admission, who have obviously exceeded the entry examination.
At the occasion of admission each Sampradaya will be designated a quota of 8 students apart from for the Bon Sampradaya, which will be designated 5 students.
The chikitsa Vidya and Jyotish sections will be designated a quota of 7 students each.
Admission of girl students will be subject to accessibility of accommodation in the girls’ hostel.
Assortment for admission in each Sampradaya and in the Chikitsa Vidya and Jyotish sections will be strictly on merit basis, which will be structured on the scores attained in the entry examination.
If any part of the quota in each of the Sampradayas or the Chikitsa Vidya or Jyotish sections is left vacant, this part of the quota will be given to any alternative Sampradaya or Chikitsa/Jyotish sections purely depending upon the merit of the applicant, up coming in line, in the common merit-list of the entry examination.
The total intake of students (which includes non-scholarship candidates) may not emulate 51 in number in any offered year.

Admission of SC/ST and handicapped applicants will be relating to the UGC guidelines.
For the objective of admission, monks, nuns and laity are taken care of similar and admission is structured solely
upon merit as reflected in the entry examination. On the other hand, a applicant who brings together the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies as a monk or nun may not disrobe until graduation; a student who disrobes ahead of that time will be expelled from the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies.
The admission of students admitted will be regarded as provisional, and will be established only upon submitter of their unique School Leaving Certificates /(Transfer Certificate), Character Certificate from the Institution last attended, marksheets etc within 15 days from the relieve of the listing of the applicants available admission. Applicants, who are not able to post the essential certificates/documents within the stipulated time, must post an application to the office coupled with a suggestions from the head of the troubled Sampradaya/section.
The admission committee may, after evaluating the authenticity of the case, grant the applicant an extra 15 days beyond the span described for the submitter of unique documents. If the candidate is unable to post the essential documents even within this expanded period, his/her admission will be addressed as invalid and the next applicant in line will be available admission.
The admission of students accepted will be regarded as provisional until they have been examined and accredited by the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies medical personnel as becoming fit to pursue their course of study at the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies.
The last verification notice, identifying the admitted applicants, will be distributed after the positioning talk by the Hon’ble Director or his consultant from the Office.
Thanks for visiting our site which is compatible of Universities Admissions and details. We provide the best information about Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies 2012 Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies Departments, Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies Admissions, Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies Admission Procedure.
Official Site: Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies
Founded: 1967
Type: Deemed University
Tags: central institute of higher tibetan studies admission 2012, cuts varanasi admission 2012, cuts.ac.in
Category: India, University Admissions | Comment
Bhatkhande Music Institute Lucknow Admission
October 10, 2012, 1:24 pm

About Bhatkhande Music Institute Lucknow
Bhatkhande Music Institute Lucknow has major strategies of extension. Workon creating an audio-video library has previously begun. The record of musiceducation in India days to come back to historical span when all education and learning wasimparted in Gurukulas and Ashrams of excellent Saints, Rishi, Munis.
Bhatkhande Music Institute Lucknow Departments
Department of Vocal (Gayan)- Classical, Semi-Classical and Light Vocal.
Department of Instrumental (Vadan)
Department of Dance (Nritya)
Department of Musicology & Research
Department of Applied Music
Bhatkhande Music Institute Lucknow Admissions
The Period of the Bhatkhande Music Institute Lucknow is from 1st July to 30th June
The Bhatkhande Music Institute Lucknow shuts from 26th December to 15th January for winter vacation and from 17th May to 30th June for summertime vacation.
Bhatkhande Music Institute Lucknow continues to be shut on holidays announced by the Board of Management. Any specific holiday may be announced on a date by the Vice Chancellor, which is not announced by the Board of Management. Classes are getting executed in the Institute relating to the time-table in between 9. 00 am to 7. 00 pm.
Bhatkhande Music Institute Lucknow Rules and Regulation for Admission
Application for admission is approved on the prescribed form accessible at BMI office before starting of the procedure in the month of May/June.
Applicant should meet the eligibility for admission and should qualify Entry/Aptitude test.
Application for fresh admission should be specific with Transfer Certificate (T. C. )#) released by former institution, whereas essential.
Schedule for Entry/Aptitude test would be viewable on the observe board with in a week of the last date to post the admission form.
Entrance/Audition test is executed by an Entry Examination Committee of subject professionals constituted by the Vice Chancellor.
The committee would examine each applicant on the timetabled date on the foundation of practical efficiency and appointment, and post their report to the Registrar.
Registrar would get ready distinct merit lists for each class and subject, and post it to the Admission Committee.
The committee would provide admission on the basis of merit relating to the seats accessible in each class and subject.
International students would be accepted in the courses of BMI as per the rules/suggestions of UGC/Government of India.
Listing of the chosen applicants will be viewable on the detect board.
Reservation for admission to the timetabled caste, scheduled tribe, backward class and handicapped applicants is accessible as per the rules of state Govt. In case of vacancy in appropriated seat, admission may be offered to the General applicant.
In event of dispute, decision of the Vice Chancellor will be the final.
Bhatkhande Music Institute Lucknow Enrollment
Applicant determined for admission should fill up the enrollment form and post the same coupled with enrollment fees and certificates before the date notified by the Registrar.
Enrollment fee deposited once would be valid providing the applicant is a major student of Bhatkhande Music Institute Lucknow.

A applicant can not be enrolled in more than one subject at a occasion.
Admission of the applicant will not be finished, unless he/she is documented in enrollment enroll and such applicant will be barred from the examination as a frequent applicant of Bhatkhande Music Institute Lucknow.
In case, a applicant gains his/her Transfer Certificate from Bhatkhande Music Institute Lucknow, his/her enrollment will be handled terminated unless he/she again enrolls himself/herself as per the regulations.
After enrollment an Enrollment Certificate will be issued by Bhatkhande Music Institute Lucknow to each student bearing his/her enrollment number. This enrollment number will be described in all the records and communication of BMI.
An enrolled student is eligible for Transfer Certificate from Bhatkhande Music Institute Lucknowon payment of approved fees for admission in any additional university.
Thanks for visiting our site which is compatible of Universities Admissions and details. We provide the best information about Bhatkhande Music Institute Lucknow 2012 Bhatkhande Music Institute Lucknow Departments, Bhatkhande Music Institute Lucknow Admissions, Bhatkhande Music Institute Lucknow Rules and Regulation for Admission, Bhatkhande Music Institute Lucknow Enrollment.
Official Site: Bhatkhande Music Institute Lucknow
Founded: 1926
Type: Deemed Universty
Tags: bhatkhande music institute admissions 2012, bhatkhande music institute lucknow admision 2012, bhatkhandemusic.edu.in
Category: India, University Admissions | Comment
Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar Admission
October 9, 2012, 2:49 pm

About Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar
Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar has been defined as the 1st truly American university, on bill of its founders’ innovative egalitarian and functional ideas of higher education. It was founded in 1865 by Ezra Cornell, farmer, mechanic and informative pioneer, and Andrew Dickson White, who functioned as the Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar 1st president.
Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar Education Programs
Pre-medical Program
Medical Program
Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar Admissions
Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar Admission Requirements
Listed below are the requirements to apply for admission to the Pre-Medical Program.
Secondary School Completion
Standardized Tests
Personal Statement
Letters of Reference
Secondary School Completion
The comparative of an American college preparatory education, which includes demanding ‘Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar preparatory’ or superior mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics and additional relevant subjects.
Most effective feasible Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar preparatory curriculum available within the candidates school system (candidates are envisioned to finished A Level exams in British schools, AP exams in American schools, and HL exams in IB schools).
Graduation with excellent educational merit.
Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar Standardised Tests
College Entry Examinations
SAT Reasoning Test or ACT with Writing.
SAT Subject Tests are endorsed in Mathematics Level II and 2 related sciences.
We do not use minimal scores as complete cutoffs in selection applications. On the other hand, academics superiority is envisioned. Complete academic durability is supported by high standardised test scores coupled with other efficient signs, for example secondary school grades.
Appropriate scores on English language skills examinations (see below) do not substitute for acceptable scores on the looking at and creating components of the SAT or ACT.
English Language Skills Examinations

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Testing System).
A student who does not accomplish a 600 or over in the Critical Reading segment of the SAT or who does not score 25 or higher on the English part of the ACT must take an English Skills test. The subsequent tests are regarded as suited measures of English ability: the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) and the IELTS (International English Language Testing System).
Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar identifies that foreign students of the greatest caliber may not have accomplished the essential language abilities by the end of their secondary studies. These kinds of students are cautioned to sign on in an suitable extensive English language program.
Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar Personal Statement
All candidates should post a individual assertion that addresses his or her fascination in and inspiration for a career in medicine. Due to the fact there is no set collaboration of grade-point average and standardised test scores that will guarantee admission to our program, our Committee looks beyond these numbers. We look for candidates who can illustrate that they have taken maximum advantage of possibilities, who care about their community, and who have produced special abilities in other areas above their academic studies. Ultimately, a individual statement should reflect such characteristics as:
Enthusiasm to enter medicine
Maturity and stability
Cerebral potential
Leadership qualities
Love of studying
Durability of character
Special abilities or talents
Diligence and dedication
Integrity and honesty
Sense of fairness
Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar Letters of Reference
All candidates should post a minimum of 2 letters of referrals written in English. One by their science/math teachers and one by their principals/college advisors. The a lot of useful letters give specific suggestions of the candidates academics determination and abilities (indicators of possible success) and of the individual qualities or achievements that make the applicant distinctive. You should ask writers to use the forms offered within the on-line application.
Candidates whose qualifications best fulfill our assortment criteria will be asked to appear for individual interviews. Candidates asked to seem for interviews must be involved in this procedure to be able to be regarded as for acclaim. All interviews are held in Doha, Qatar.
Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar Applying for Medical Programs
In compliance with Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar policies, we search for candidates who uphold the maximum academic and personal criteria and whom the Committee on Admissions feels are best organized for future leadership roles in medicine. In retaining with the principles of the Weill Cornell Medical College, we search for students with excellent academic achievements who have also confirmed excellent individual initiative. Such motivation may take the form of command, creativity, research, community service, motivation, or other life encounters.
The training of medicine involves the highest level of individual integrity. The Committee seeks candidates whose personas are acquiring in a way conducive to the best practice of medicine. This comprises of emotional maturity, personal depth, determination to others‘ well being, and meaning honesty.
Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar Contact Us
+974 4492-8500
Thanks for visiting our site which is compatible of Universities Admissions and details. We provide the best information about Weill Cornell Medical College 2012 Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar Education Programs, Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar Admissions, Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar Admission Requirements, Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar Standardised Tests, Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar Personal Statement, Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar Letters of Reference, Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar Applying for Medical Programs, Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar Contact Us.
Official Site: Weill Cornell Medical College
Founded: 1865
Type: Public
Tags: qatar-weill.cornell.edu, weill cornell medical college in qatar address, weill cornell medical college in qatar admission 2013
Category: Qatar, University Admissions | Comment
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