Gomal University 12 October 2012 NTS Result announced please follow the link below to get your result of NTS gomal university 12 Oct 2012
12 Oct 2012 NTS Result Gomal University (Admission) D.I Khan
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To face the challenges of the 21st century, the Faculty of Pharmacy is positioned for leadership in education, research, public service and patient care for guiding and serving the pharmaceutical care needs of society -- extending from the people of Pakistan to the global community. To be recognized as leaders, we do: Create educational experiences in all of our programs that support professionalizing our students and prepare them for career adaptability/flexibility in a changing research and practice environment.
Historical Background:
Welcome to the Faculty of Pharmacy. The Faculty has been recognized as one of the most prestigious institutions of Pharmacy within the country and abroad. It has comparatively shorter but exciting history, dating back to 1975, when a dedicated Department of Pharmacy began delivering pharmaceutical education, first in the Government Science College at the City Campus and then in the Department of Chemistry at New Campus of the Gomal University.
In the beginning the Department of pharmacy was conferring a three-year B-Pharmacy degree. Later on in 1980 the three-year Bachelor of Pharmacy Course was replaced with a Four-year post-Inter level degree accredited as equivalent to the Master Degree by the University Grants Commission (UGC).
In 1983, the department moved to a purpose designed building on the University's New Campus. During the first decade of its life the Department grew fast in size and stature. Consequently, in 1990 it was upgraded to the current status of ‘Faculty of Pharmacy’ comprising four full-fledged departments viz. Department of Pharmaceutics, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Department of Basic Medical Sciences and Department of Pharmacognosy.
The Faculty of Pharmacy offers a wide range of taught courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels leading to professional and vocational qualifications and good employment opportunities. The quality of taught provision has been recognized by the Quality Assurance Agencies and by many Professional and Statutory Bodies. Our research excellence has also been widely acknowledged. The curriculum is relevant and modern, with the Pharmacy degree having full professional accreditation. It is not surprising that the vast majority of our graduates find employment soon after graduation.
Library Services:
The Faculty has an independent seminar library devoted to supporting the teaching, learning and research. We have a unique academic library that is particularly strong in the core pharmaceutical sciences, Chemistry, pharmacognosy and pharmacology but which also spans the whole biomedical spectrum and beyond. We offer our users a teaching collection of textbooks specifically in response to the taught courses. Our expanding manuscript collection holds some 3300 volumes, including the textbook and reference books collection. However, we also cater for research.
Our users can also fully avail the facility of Digital Library provided by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan, currently subscribing to several thousand scholarly electronic journals.
In order to meet the exciting developments and to provide high quality teaching and research environment, the Faculty of Pharmacy, Gomal University started its M-Phil and PhD programs in 1987 and 2000 , respectively.
As we know, greater emphasis has recently been placed on the involvement of pharmacists in providing direct patient care in both hospital and ambulatory care settings. The concept of clinical pharmacy and pharmaceutical care has revolutionized the pharmacy profession the world over. Therefore, in order to bring it at par with the rest of the developed as well as developing countries, the four-year conventional B-Pharm program was replaced with a five-year Pharm-D (Doctor of Pharmacy) program which has been offered to pharmacy students since 2004.
The Faculty of Pharmacy is marked out by its commitment to advance training and research in all aspects of the design, development and use of medicines, for the benefit of patients. There is the prospect as never before of tailoring medicines according to the requirement of the individual patient. There are several long-standing research strengths at the Faculty which continue to underpin the high level of research activity across all four departments. A lot of the future research will be multidisciplinary in nature and involve collaboration with other individuals, departments and institutes at Gomal University and other universities/research institutions with in the country and abroad.
Research Areas:
- Some of the research areas being pursued at the Faculty include but are not restricted to the following.
- Controlled Release Drug Delivery Systems
- Protective Role of Glutathione and Metal Complexes
- Synthesis & evaluation of metalo-element drug complexes
- Anti-leishmanial Activities of Indigenous Natural Products
- Studies on hypoglycemic drugs
- Ethno-botanical and Natural Products.
- Comparative studies on antihypertensive drugs
Pharmacy is a research led Faculty which aims to be of value to the community through a commitment to excellence in education. We offer an exciting range of opportunities in teaching and research for students, staff and external collaborators. The Faculty has developed and established links with local, national and international level in support of our academic vision.
Books Published:
- Biopharmaceutics By Dr. Gul Majid Khan
- Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics By Dr. Gul Majid Khan
- Lab Manual of Biopharmaceutics By Dr. Gul Majid Khan
- Pharmacokogy By Mr. Inayatullah Bhatti
Research Facilities and Achievements:
Research Overview:
The principal theme of our research is applied biomedical & pharmaceutical sciences, encompassing the understanding of disease processes and the development of new drugs and strategies for treatment. Together with colleagues in the Faculty, we are developing a multidimensional strategy to address specific issues in relation to the quality research.
The Faculty has separate laboratories for undergraduate and postgraduate students and research scholars. The undergraduate laboratories provide all facilities to the B-Pharm and Pharm-D Programs in the disciplines of Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Basic Medical Sciences and Pharmacognosy, and they are equipped with necessary instruments for practical and research. Our M-Phil PhD Research Laboratory is also well equipped with state-of-the-art facilities for the research Scholars. The Faculty has a separate instrument room, too.
Research Collaborations::
- The Faculty has established collaborations with the following national and international institutions:
- The Faculty has established and is being striving to establish research collaborations with several national & international institutions and organizations, such as
- Institute of Pharmaceutical Innovation, Bradford University, UK (under the joint auspices of HEC and British Council)
- College of Pharmacy, Chosun University, 375 Seoseok-dong, Khwangju, Korea
- China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing, China
- Department of Pharmacy King’s College London
- School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, USM, Malaysia
- Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Strathclyde University, Glasgow
- HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry, Karachi University, Pakistan
- College of Pharmacy, University of Arkansas, USA
- School of Pharmacy, Purdu University, Indiana, USA
- College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore
- J.P.M.C., Karachi, Pakistan
A dynamic world-class research culture is vital for the acquisition of new knowledge and health of universities. It is also crucial to the economic growth and social cohesion. The Faculty has received a number of research project & grants from the following agencies for research and purchase of equipments and books etc.
1. Pakistan Science Foundations grant in the form of equipment and research.
2. A grant of equipment from the Government of Japan under the 19-yen Credit program.
3. Books and Journals received from various agencies like British Council as donation.
4. Grants for research from HEC & Ministry of Health.
The teaching staff is actively engaged in research and has published number of research papers in International and National Journals.
Some of the areas of research being pursued at the faculty include: Enterohepatic recycling of estrogen and its rebalance with female fertility, Effect of Kalongi, Honey on blood profile of human beings, Pefloxacin versus Azithromycin in the treatment of enteric fever.. Formulation and release study of some important drugs from various Suppository bases. Controlled/Sustained release dosage formulations and their evaluation.
Blood cholesterol lowering studied with pectins: Blood sugar lowering, Cytotoxic and Cytoprotective studies with Caralluma, Fagonia and Momordica charantia: Protective role of glutathione and hepatotoxicity induced by selective compounds.
Effect of caffeine on kidney stone formation: Comparative studies of hypolipemic drugs: Enzyme purification and isolation techniques; and etiology of malarial parasite resistance toward drugs. Metaloelements complexes with drugs and their derivatives and activities study.
Department of Agriculture Chemistry
On behalf of Agricultural Chemistry and Human Nutrition Department I welcome you to our web page. The department provides excellent teaching and research facility to the students. The faculty and staff are devoted to excellence in education. The department’s goal is to provide state of the art education to our students. In addition, the department trains work force to tackle the food need of the nation. In Agricultural Chemsitry and Human Nutrition Department, you will find the teaching environment friendly, student oriented, and ethical. If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Professor Dr. Muhammad Saeed Khattak
Chairman Department of Agricultural
Chemistry and Human Nutrition
E male: Saeed_khattak32@hotmail.com
Phone number: 0966-750087 and cell # 0300-9155157

Contact NO
92-966-750284 & 750213, 92-966-750424-9 Ext. 3056

Copyright © 2012, Gomal University, D.I. Khan, Pakistan. All Rights Reserved. 
12 Oct 2012 NTS Result Gomal University (Admission) D.I Khan
extra info!!!
To face the challenges of the 21st century, the Faculty of Pharmacy is positioned for leadership in education, research, public service and patient care for guiding and serving the pharmaceutical care needs of society -- extending from the people of Pakistan to the global community. To be recognized as leaders, we do: Create educational experiences in all of our programs that support professionalizing our students and prepare them for career adaptability/flexibility in a changing research and practice environment.
Historical Background:
Welcome to the Faculty of Pharmacy. The Faculty has been recognized as one of the most prestigious institutions of Pharmacy within the country and abroad. It has comparatively shorter but exciting history, dating back to 1975, when a dedicated Department of Pharmacy began delivering pharmaceutical education, first in the Government Science College at the City Campus and then in the Department of Chemistry at New Campus of the Gomal University.
In the beginning the Department of pharmacy was conferring a three-year B-Pharmacy degree. Later on in 1980 the three-year Bachelor of Pharmacy Course was replaced with a Four-year post-Inter level degree accredited as equivalent to the Master Degree by the University Grants Commission (UGC).
In 1983, the department moved to a purpose designed building on the University's New Campus. During the first decade of its life the Department grew fast in size and stature. Consequently, in 1990 it was upgraded to the current status of ‘Faculty of Pharmacy’ comprising four full-fledged departments viz. Department of Pharmaceutics, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Department of Basic Medical Sciences and Department of Pharmacognosy.
The Faculty of Pharmacy offers a wide range of taught courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels leading to professional and vocational qualifications and good employment opportunities. The quality of taught provision has been recognized by the Quality Assurance Agencies and by many Professional and Statutory Bodies. Our research excellence has also been widely acknowledged. The curriculum is relevant and modern, with the Pharmacy degree having full professional accreditation. It is not surprising that the vast majority of our graduates find employment soon after graduation.
Library Services:
The Faculty has an independent seminar library devoted to supporting the teaching, learning and research. We have a unique academic library that is particularly strong in the core pharmaceutical sciences, Chemistry, pharmacognosy and pharmacology but which also spans the whole biomedical spectrum and beyond. We offer our users a teaching collection of textbooks specifically in response to the taught courses. Our expanding manuscript collection holds some 3300 volumes, including the textbook and reference books collection. However, we also cater for research.
Our users can also fully avail the facility of Digital Library provided by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan, currently subscribing to several thousand scholarly electronic journals.
In order to meet the exciting developments and to provide high quality teaching and research environment, the Faculty of Pharmacy, Gomal University started its M-Phil and PhD programs in 1987 and 2000 , respectively.
As we know, greater emphasis has recently been placed on the involvement of pharmacists in providing direct patient care in both hospital and ambulatory care settings. The concept of clinical pharmacy and pharmaceutical care has revolutionized the pharmacy profession the world over. Therefore, in order to bring it at par with the rest of the developed as well as developing countries, the four-year conventional B-Pharm program was replaced with a five-year Pharm-D (Doctor of Pharmacy) program which has been offered to pharmacy students since 2004.
The Faculty of Pharmacy is marked out by its commitment to advance training and research in all aspects of the design, development and use of medicines, for the benefit of patients. There is the prospect as never before of tailoring medicines according to the requirement of the individual patient. There are several long-standing research strengths at the Faculty which continue to underpin the high level of research activity across all four departments. A lot of the future research will be multidisciplinary in nature and involve collaboration with other individuals, departments and institutes at Gomal University and other universities/research institutions with in the country and abroad.
Research Areas:
- Some of the research areas being pursued at the Faculty include but are not restricted to the following.
- Controlled Release Drug Delivery Systems
- Protective Role of Glutathione and Metal Complexes
- Synthesis & evaluation of metalo-element drug complexes
- Anti-leishmanial Activities of Indigenous Natural Products
- Studies on hypoglycemic drugs
- Ethno-botanical and Natural Products.
- Comparative studies on antihypertensive drugs
Pharmacy is a research led Faculty which aims to be of value to the community through a commitment to excellence in education. We offer an exciting range of opportunities in teaching and research for students, staff and external collaborators. The Faculty has developed and established links with local, national and international level in support of our academic vision.
Books Published:
- Biopharmaceutics By Dr. Gul Majid Khan
- Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics By Dr. Gul Majid Khan
- Lab Manual of Biopharmaceutics By Dr. Gul Majid Khan
- Pharmacokogy By Mr. Inayatullah Bhatti
Research Facilities and Achievements:
Research Overview:
The principal theme of our research is applied biomedical & pharmaceutical sciences, encompassing the understanding of disease processes and the development of new drugs and strategies for treatment. Together with colleagues in the Faculty, we are developing a multidimensional strategy to address specific issues in relation to the quality research.
The Faculty has separate laboratories for undergraduate and postgraduate students and research scholars. The undergraduate laboratories provide all facilities to the B-Pharm and Pharm-D Programs in the disciplines of Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Basic Medical Sciences and Pharmacognosy, and they are equipped with necessary instruments for practical and research. Our M-Phil PhD Research Laboratory is also well equipped with state-of-the-art facilities for the research Scholars. The Faculty has a separate instrument room, too.
Research Collaborations::
- The Faculty has established collaborations with the following national and international institutions:
- The Faculty has established and is being striving to establish research collaborations with several national & international institutions and organizations, such as
- Institute of Pharmaceutical Innovation, Bradford University, UK (under the joint auspices of HEC and British Council)
- College of Pharmacy, Chosun University, 375 Seoseok-dong, Khwangju, Korea
- China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing, China
- Department of Pharmacy King’s College London
- School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, USM, Malaysia
- Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Strathclyde University, Glasgow
- HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry, Karachi University, Pakistan
- College of Pharmacy, University of Arkansas, USA
- School of Pharmacy, Purdu University, Indiana, USA
- College of Pharmacy, University of the Punjab, Lahore
- J.P.M.C., Karachi, Pakistan
A dynamic world-class research culture is vital for the acquisition of new knowledge and health of universities. It is also crucial to the economic growth and social cohesion. The Faculty has received a number of research project & grants from the following agencies for research and purchase of equipments and books etc.
1. Pakistan Science Foundations grant in the form of equipment and research.
2. A grant of equipment from the Government of Japan under the 19-yen Credit program.
3. Books and Journals received from various agencies like British Council as donation.
4. Grants for research from HEC & Ministry of Health.
The teaching staff is actively engaged in research and has published number of research papers in International and National Journals.
Some of the areas of research being pursued at the faculty include: Enterohepatic recycling of estrogen and its rebalance with female fertility, Effect of Kalongi, Honey on blood profile of human beings, Pefloxacin versus Azithromycin in the treatment of enteric fever.. Formulation and release study of some important drugs from various Suppository bases. Controlled/Sustained release dosage formulations and their evaluation.
Blood cholesterol lowering studied with pectins: Blood sugar lowering, Cytotoxic and Cytoprotective studies with Caralluma, Fagonia and Momordica charantia: Protective role of glutathione and hepatotoxicity induced by selective compounds.
Effect of caffeine on kidney stone formation: Comparative studies of hypolipemic drugs: Enzyme purification and isolation techniques; and etiology of malarial parasite resistance toward drugs. Metaloelements complexes with drugs and their derivatives and activities study.
Department of Agriculture Chemistry
On behalf of Agricultural Chemistry and Human Nutrition Department I welcome you to our web page. The department provides excellent teaching and research facility to the students. The faculty and staff are devoted to excellence in education. The department’s goal is to provide state of the art education to our students. In addition, the department trains work force to tackle the food need of the nation. In Agricultural Chemsitry and Human Nutrition Department, you will find the teaching environment friendly, student oriented, and ethical. If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Professor Dr. Muhammad Saeed Khattak
Chairman Department of Agricultural
Chemistry and Human Nutrition
E male: Saeed_khattak32@hotmail.com
Phone number: 0966-750087 and cell # 0300-9155157

Contact NO
92-966-750284 & 750213, 92-966-750424-9 Ext. 3056

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