Blogger and WordPress are most popular platforms among bloggers.There are blogs for every niche like health,technology,hacking,programming etc which are full of information.If you are a regular reader of some blogs and want to have access to their content even when you are not connected to internet than you can create a pdf version of the blog.The PDF version of blog doesn’t include any ads and is completely free to create.You can also store it in your smartphone and read it on the go.
Convert Any Blog into an Ebook to Read Offline
Open Book Smith Website
Click on the Start Now button to initiate the process.

Enter the URL of the blog and select its blog type (either WordPress or Blogger).Also select how you want to fetch post’s( by latest or Date range)

After clicking on Get the Posts! button it will grab all the post.You can uncheck any post that you don’t want to include in your PDF

In next step you can customize the PDF file.You can select not to include Images and publish date of posts.You can also add the title, subtitle, authors name and choose cover page.

Once you are done with customization click on Create my book! button.It will take some time depending upon the number of posts to be included.

Now you can download PDF by clicking on Download Ebook! button or save it for later download.You need to register if you want to save ebook for later download.

Blog smith fetches posts from Feed of the blog.If webmaster have enabled only partial posts in their feed then the ebook will only have partial post.However if you are the owner of the blog than you can fetch complete post by providing your wordpress or blogger login credentials.
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