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Macrocytosis the term and description on it


Macrocytosis is a term used to describe red blood cells that are larger than normal. It typically causes no signs or symptoms and is usually detected incidentally on routine blood tests.
any anemia in which the average size of circulating erythrocytes is greater than normal, i.e., the mean corpuscular volume (MCV) is 94 cu 4m or more (normal range, 82 to 92 cu 4m).

Erythrocytes are larger than normal, typically reported as mean cell volume (MCV) greater than 100 fL. The amount of hemoglobin in the cell increases proportionately, so the mean cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) remains within normal limits.
BLOOD- Depending on the etiology of the macrocytosis, peripheral smear may reveal nucleated RBCs, target cells, RBC fragments, hypersegmentation of neutrophils, immature WBCs, large platelets, or pancytopenia.
MARROW- Depending on the etiology of the macrocytosis, marrow may reveal hypercellularity, megaloblastic changes, fibrosis, infiltration by tumor or granulomatous disease, leukemic changes, or erythroid hyperplasia.

Macrocytosis isn't a specific disease but may indicate an underlying problem that requires medical evaluation. Common causes of macrocytosis include:

Vitamin B-12 deficiency
Folate deficiency
Liver disease
A side effect of certain medications, such as chemotherapy drugs
Increased red blood cell production by the bone marrow (regeneration) to correct anemia, for example, after blood loss.

See Translation

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