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Traveller's thrombosis

Traveller's thrombosis:

Traveller's thrombosis is the occurrence of deep vein thrombosis in travellers..
The term economy class syndrome has also been used to describe this.

Traveller's Thrombosis is most commonly reported in people who have travelled long distances by aircraft and who are already at an increased risk of thrombosis. A deep venous thrombosis can lead to the fatal complication of pulmonary embolism. Although all these diseases had been recognised for a long time, the possibility of litigation against airline companies brought them into the limelight when this syndrome was reported.
The mechanism for thrombosis in travellers is probably due to a combination of immobilisation, dehydration and underlying risk factors. Additional environmental factors during air travel may also play a role. Although the problem has been specifically related to air travel, it would appear that the problem is linked to immobility and that all travellers, including travellers by bus, train and car, are equally at risk.
Patients with diseases that predispose them to thrombosis, such as antiphospholipid syndrome or cancer, are at a much greater risk. The highest risk groups include the elderly, those suffering serious medical conditions such as cancer, those with recent orthopedic surgery (legs or knees) and pregnant women. Some researchers believe that endurance-type athletes are a high risk group.


The minimum prophylactic recommendation is adequate hydration and mobilisation
Recommendations for prophylaxis of travellers' thrombosis are theoretically-based rather than supported by epidemiological evidence. However, it is recommended that all travellers carry out frequent lower leg exercises, maintain adequate hydration, minimise alcohol intake and avoid sedative medicines.


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