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HEC Scholarships 2012-2013 | Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Merit Scholarship program for high technology for Ph.D. and Post Doctoral studies in the world’s top ranked universities

Higher Education Commission (HEC) has invited applications from bright Pakistani /AJK nationals, possessing very good standing/grades, against the foreign funded, Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Merit Scholarship program for high technology for Ph.D. and Post Doctoral studies in the world’s top ranked universities for 2012-2013.

Eligibility Criteria for Ph.D.

All Pakistani/AJK nationals;
Age below 35 for Ph.D. study.
Have completed M.Sc. in the field of science / technology related to and / or listed under the program.
Above average (“Very Good”) academic standing, (as required by IDB).
Post-Master’s degree work / research experience of not less than two (2) years for Ph.D. study in the field related to and / or listed under the program.
Currently employed in any academic institution / university or R&D organization.
The para ‘E’ of the IDB Application Form is duly filled and stamped by the employing institution / university / organization.
A record of publication / research in the same field (if available)
A proposed field of study and /or research in one of the fields listed under the approved fields of study with its scientific and development relevance to the country being clearly demonstrated in a research proposal.

Eligibility Criteria for Post Doctoral

All Pakistani/AJK nationals;
Age below 40 years for Post Doctoral study.
Have completed Ph.D. degree in the field of science / technology related to and /or listed under the program.
Above average (“Very Good”) academic standing, (as required by IDB).
Minimum 5 years of work / research experience in the same field at Post-Master’s and Ph.D. levels. Out of which 2 years of experience should be at Post Ph.D. level.
Have not taken any Post Doctoral research in last two previous years.
Currently employed in any academic institution i university or R&D organization.
The para ‘E’ of the IDB Application form is duly filled and stamped by the employing institution / university / organization.
A record of publications/research in the same field.
A proposed field of study and /or research in one of the fields listed under the approved fields of study with its scientific and development relevance to the country being dearly demonstrated in a research proposal.

Proposed Fields of Study
Health / Medicine,
Agriculture / Food Production,
Water resources / Desertification,
Energy / Infrastructure Development,
Nanotechnology, and
Development-focused ICT

General Instruction:

Kindly visit HEC website to get information on:
Eligibility Criteria
Application Procedure
Documents to be attached along with the Application Forms.

Incomplete application forms will summarily be rejected.

Completely filled application form should reach the Project Manager, on or before November 30, 2011, on following address.

Project Manager (FFSP/IDB),
Higher Education Commission (HEC),
Sector H-9, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Email: akaleem (at) hec (dot) gov (dot) pk
Website: www.hec.gov.pk/ffsp


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